Verecom specializes in internet technology. From ecommerce to content management, from information architecture to design patters, we know the nuts and bolts that comprise today’s tech-driven websites. Our developers are trained in a range of technique, so no matter what skill you are looking for, we can put together the team to get the job done.

If you speak to one of our customer representatives, we can help you identify both the approach and the technologies necessary for your project to succeed. Sometimes we will recommend off-the-shelf products, sometimes we will recommend custom work. Sometimes we will recommend Actionscript-based flash, other times AJAX and CSS-based design. Once in a while, we recommend a mixture of technologies, with its combination propelling your site to the cutting edge of what’s possible.


So please, feel free to contact us, or find out more about us by selecting one of the internet technologies below.

Internet Technology Solutions

Custom Development

Custom Development
Do you need developers to build a custom solution for you? Click Here

CMS Integration

CMS Integration
Our Content Management Systems are as flexible as you need. Click Here

Video/Audio Streaming

Video Audio Streaming
We have developed numerous flash-based multimedia solutions. Click Here

View our Work

Client List

Client List
Contact us today and ask about our technology and design products. Click Here


Contact us today and ask about our technology and design products. Click Here

Case Studies

Case Studies
Contact us today and ask about our technology and design products. Click Here